Anxiety & Depression
We all experience anxiety from time to time. This type of anxiety lasts for short periods of time and can be easily connected to a reasonable source of discomfort (i.e., starting a new job, driving a car for the first time, conflict at work, etc.). Experiencing anxiety that interferes with every day life activities, over an extended period of time, may be considered an Anxiety Disorder. Employing mindfulness techniques and working with elements of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy will help you uncover actions that you can take to regain control.
Similarly, depression has the potential to extend from an occasional ‘down day’ to pervasive feelings of sadness, irritability and loss of interest. In the therapy room, you will be encouraged that you will achieve a life without daily struggle to feel joy. Guided reflection, cognitive re-structuring and identification of practical solutions based in mindfulness techniques will effect change in your thoughts, behaviors and emotions.